Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , July 14th, 2010
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Martin Schlanger, Ann Krawet, Robert Ronzio.
Planning Board Members Absent: Stanley Oransky
Members of the public present: Charles Chiecko, Michael Murray, Robert Nolan, Katryn Geane, Connie Chin.
Meeting called to order: 7:07 pm
Review and acceptance of Meeting Minutes from Wednesday, June 9th,2010- Martin Schlanger makes a motion to accept meeting minutes as presented, Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Ms. LaBelle advises that there will be a change in the order of the agenda as presented. Ms. LaBelle states that the board will first open the public hearing for Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival and will hear the continuance of Uncle Larry’s Tavern second. All parties unanimously agree.
Public Hearing opens at 7:14
Public Hearing –Katryn Geane for Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival- Map 407 Lot 16.
Ms. LaBelle opens public hearing and advises that the hearing is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the new By-Laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from the five member board. Ms. LaBelle goes on to advise that the board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file the paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Ms. LaBelle goes on to introduce board members present.
Ms. LaBelle reads the application received aloud and confirms that all fees have been paid and all posting and advertising done timely; secretary confirms. At this time, Ms. Geane approaches the board members present, introduces herself and gives each member present a packet (attached) that has been prepared for their review. Ms. Geane advises that the building inspector, Mr. Girard, issued a temporary permit for 2010. Ms. Geane goes on to explain that during this process it was brought to their attention that they would need to go to the Becket Planning Board, to receive a special permit to continue to install these banners every summer per section 5 General Regulations 5.1.2 , Sign standards #10. Packet is read and reviewed as well as application presented. Mr. Schlanger asks when the signs would be
put up and also taken down? Ms. Geane advises that they will be put up around June 10th and taken down by September 15th. Ms. LaBelle advises if the signs are changed in any way at all, they would need to come back to the board.
Ms. LaBelle asks if there are any more questions, hearing none, she closes hearing.
Hearing closes at 7:16 pm.
Application for special permit by Katryn Geane on behalf of Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, to vary the terms of Zoning by-law 5.1.2 #10 and 5.1.4 in the following respect: To allow the installation of temporary off site banners along route 20 & George Carter Road, Assessors Map 407 Lot 16.
Gale LaBelle- I vote to approve this application because It is an enhancement of our arts to advertise in our community.
Ann Krawet- I vote to approve this application because both the building Inspector and the Chief of the Town of Becket approved-certified-verified that such signs were not creating a danger to traffic and any code provisions violations. Also the pillow provides added business to our town, something that we seek. They should be the same size year after year.
Robert Ronzio- I vote to approve this application because it meets the sign by-law requirements and makes tourists aware of our cultural treasure located in the town.
Martin Schlanger- I vote to approve this application for the hanging of the banners at Jacob’s Pillow from June 15th -Sept. 15th every year as long as the banners do not change in any way. It is good for the pillow and good for Becket.
Stanley Oransky- Absent
Public Hearing- Continued- Michael Murray/ Uncle Larry’s Tavern, Map 407 Lot 16.
7:22 pm.
Ms. LaBelle advises that there is a four member board present tonight. She goes on to explain that it will take all four members to vote positively in order for a special permit to be issued. Ms. LaBelle asks the applicant if he would like to go on and present in front of the four member board or if he would to wait until next month and possibly have a five member board to present to. Mr. Murray explained that he understands and that he is willing to take his chances tonight with a four member board. Mr. Chiecko reviews plans and photographs with board members present. Mr. Chiecko answers questions and hears concerns from board. Mr. Schlanger asks if the proposed apartments will be advertised on the sign. Mr. Murray states that they will not be advertised on the sign. Ms. LaBelle states that there are many places in
town that have apartments along with businesses. Ms. LaBelle sites Lakeview General as well as Becket general as examples.
Ms. LaBelle advises that she has spoken with Joel Bard, requesting case law. Ms. Krawet explains how a dwelling is considered different than a rooming house.Mr. Ronzio explains that it is all residential use.
Ms. LaBelle presents an affidavit from Hebert Nelson stating that he in fact did reside in the rooms behind the bar. Ms. Krawet advises that residential use is different than just staying in rooms. The board members go on to discuss different sections of the bylaws and how they pertain to this application. Board members discuss section 3.4.6 of the zoning bylaws, advising the applicant did state this bylaw in application.
Ms. Krawet explains that she has spoke with many long-time residents of the town who all described the structure in a similar way; boarding house, hotel-like, Ms. Krawet advises that this is very different than we what think of as ‘residential’.
Board members discuss the alternative of using section 3.1.3 of the bylaws that would allow for one apartment with the option of applying to the Zoning Board of Appeals if and when another apartment was desired. Applicant Michael Murray states that this is the way he would like to go.
Mr. Robert Ronzio makes a motion to grant a special permit for a single apartment , under section 3.1.3 under the heading of commercial uses. Ms. Krawet seconds motion.
8:25 pm Ms. LaBelle closes the public hearing portion of the meeting and polls the board for a vote:
Gale LaBelle- (#1) I vote to approve this application because under sign bylaw the light shall be shielded at the sign. (#2) upon 3.1.3 table of uses –zoning bylaws-commercial use- one dwelling unit, I approve this special permit of Michael Murray. I do ask that the shielding of apartments have some type of reasonable screening.
AnnKrawet- (#1) I vote to approve this application because the sign meets requirements of; it shall be shielded and directed solely at the sign which is already existing. (#2) section 3.1.3 allows a building containing a dwelling unit in combination with a store or other permitted business or commercial use, with the understanding that screening for the apartment dwelling will provide reasonable screening/separation for the apartment from the bar parking lot/area.
Martin Schlanger-(#1) I vote to approve lighting of sign, both sides as long as it only lights sign-not building or surrounding area. It is permitted in our by-laws . (#2) Michael Murray’s request to establish an apartment under 3.1.3 under commercial uses is approved for a special permit to establish a single apartment. It meets the requirements of bylaw 3.1.3.
Robert Ronzio- (#1) I vote to approve this application because it is in compliance with the existing zoning bylaws, and because the sign will be illuminated by two lights, one on each side, pointing directly at the sign.(#2) It is in compliance with the table of use by-law section 3.1.3 , commercial use for a single dwelling unit in combination with the store.
Stanley Oransky-(#1) I approve this application because it complies with zoning by-law section (#2) Absent.
Public Participation- Mr. George Fuller asks board members present if they are currently in need of an alternate member. The board advises that they are.
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
New Business- Ms. Ann Krawet explains that being so new on the board, she is not comfortable being the Vice-Chairperson , as agreed on at the last meeting. Ms. Krawet advises that she would like to resign from that position and nominate Mr. Bob Ronzio as the Vice-Chairperson, motion is seconded, Mr. Ronzio accepts nomination; unanimous approval.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday, August 11th, 2010.
Mr. Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn meeting, Ms. Krawet seconds motion; unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed ________________________________ Date_________________
Robert Ronzio